Kick-off Meeting, February 7, 2024, Zagreb
Thursday, 17th March 2016, Dep. of Anim. Sci., Faculty of Agriculture, from 8:00 to 18:00
Location-Address: Building II/2nd Floor, Svetošimunska 25 (
8:00-9:00 Constitutional issues
Constitution of General Assembly
Constitution of Management Committee
Constitution of Executive Board
Proposal of Advisory board
Consortium agreement
9:00-10:30 Project management
Brussels report
Contract issues (Postdoc, …)
Budget issues
Reporting issues
Setting up all protocols
Working timetable issues
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
Continuing in two separate groups: Twinning management & Administrative group (A & B)
10:45-13:00 Twinning management of the first year (group A)
Current activities of the WP2 in the first year – Renata Šoštarić (Marta Pappalardo)
Current activities of the WP5 in the first year – Davorka Radovčić
Construction and maintenance of the MendTheGap WEB-site – Alen Džidić
Activities of the SME (Archaeolink)
10:45-13:00 Administrative management (Group B)
It is very important to develop common protocols.
13:00-14:00 Light lunch break – at Department of Animal Science
14:00-18:00 Continuation of the meeting
14:00-16:00 Wrap up
Summarizing – previous 2 activities – when we were separated
16:00-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-18:00 Brain storming and further actions for the first years
Further planning on individual actions and deliveries in the first project year.
Summary of action points and next steps
18:00 Free time