On July 17, 2024, Mario Shihabi, an assistant from the Department of General Animal Husbandry and a member of our group, successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled "Inbreeding and selection on the X chromosome in domestic animal populations".
Based on the decision of the Senate of the University of Zagreb from September 12, 2023. for the year 2023, Prof. Ino Čurik, PhD.H is the winner of the "Praemium Biotechnicum" award in the field of biotechnical sciences.
On June 25, 2022, Ivana Držaić, a research collaborator from the Department of General Animal Husbandry and a member of our group, successfully defended her PhD dissertation titled "Genomic Characterization of Croatian Indigenous Sheep Breeds".
On May 3, 2022, on HTV television, the show "Scientific Circles" featured the work of the Archaeogenetics Laboratory at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb.
Honorary doctorate - doctor honoris causa - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, was awarded to prof. Ino Čurik, PhD from the Department of General Animal Husbandry at the ceremonial session held on October 13, 2022. in Vienna.
The Croatian university newspaper Universitas published an article about the unique Laboratory of Archaeogenetics at the Faculty of Agriculture in Zagreb.