Project Name MendTheGap Initial DMP – MendTheGap – D1.4: Data management plan – Pilot participation

Project Identifier Smart Integration of Genetics with Sciences of the Past in Croatia: Minding and Mending the Gap – MendTheGap

Grant Title MendTheGap – 692249

Principal Investigator / Researcher Ino Curik

Project Data Contact Vlatka Cubric Curik, 0038512394008,


Description This project is an innovative and exciting opportunity to mend several gaps in the research capacity in Croatia in Archaeology, Genetics, and other “Sciences of the Past” (including Archaeobotany, Geoarchaeology, and Palaeontology) by twinning a consortium of Croatian researchers with overlapping interests (CrEAMA Initiative) with archaeological scientists from the University of Cambridge and the University of Pisa. The project exploits location-specific advantages that arise from two crucial facts. Firstly, there is large number of archaeological sites and remains in Croatia that are relatively understudied. Secondly there is a group of researchers (CrEAMA Initiative) whose research capacity, impact, and grant success at the European level has not realised full potential owing to a relative lack of resources, coordination, and strategic planning. This project will unlock this latent scientific potential by developing multi-inter-trans-disciplinary (MIT disciplinary) expertise to enhance and set the agenda for future research related to the Sciences of the Past in Croatia. Our ultimate vision is to develop a research group capable of using an MIT disciplinary approach to Sciences of the Past; this will be a powerful force for innovation and will contribute to resolving contemporary issues. This vision will be realised through support from our partners: the University of Cambridge and the University of Pisa. Both institutions display proven success in Archaeology, Genetics and other Sciences of the Past, and have proven track records in applying for and completing EU-funded research projects. Their success is owing to the excellence of their scientists, but significantly also to the effective management structures at Department/Institute and University levels. The project has four specific goals. The first goal is to establish and integrate the existing MIT disciplinary scientific research community in Croatia, CrEAMA Initiative, related to the Sciences of the Past. The second goal is to upgrade and intensify scientific research of CrEAMA Initiative by utilising recent methodological achievements in genetics [Next-generation Sequencing and DNA refinement of ancient materials] and other biological disciplines (complex analyses of shape). The third goal is to foster integration of the CrEAMA Initiative into ERA by intensifying scientific communications (invited seminars, workshops), visibility (conferences, creation of interesting and educational web content) and collaborations (field summer schools, joint papers) ending with largescale international project proposal submissions. Our last goal is to commercialise and integrate the CrEAMA Initiative research with the needs of society (local community) at the level of local (KorÄ ula Island, Zagreb), regional (Dalmatia, Zagreb area), national (Croatia), European (web) and global (web) level.

Funder European Commission (Horizon 2020)

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MendTheGap dissemination

Data set description

This project is not research project, however we will disseminate project results and actions. Dissemination actions will go toward; a) General public (PUB), b) Scientific community (SCI) and c) Policy makers (POL). Thus we have settled dissemination scheme including all modern medias and types of communications.

Our intention is to produce large number of video clips following workshops, summer schools, conferences and even all monthly seminars as well as press conferences and other communications with public media. In this way the valuable content produced during those activities will be to some extent transmitted to a wider audience.

Although some of our actions are meant for specific groups we expect that the dissemination will partly reach subjects beyond our plans, particularly as almost all dissemination activities of the MendTheGap will be publicly available.

Standards and metadata

Dissemination will be achieved using different kind of media (L=live, E=electronic and P=printed). While we are not able to provide standards regarding dissemination that will be done live in media such as TV shows, radio, press conferences and newspapers, we will assure that all written material shared online will be in PDF format. Documents and presentations will be produced using Microsoft Office or Open Office applications. Video material will be in MPEG4 format. Web page is build using HTML formats and java scripts. Brochures and printed materials for communication on conferences and press conferences as well as printed materials for tourist information offices near to the exhibition sites will also be produced. The formats of such printed material will depend on the cost, but electronic versions of these documents will also be available from the web sites in PDF format.

Data sharing

Most of dissemination will go through our website The website will be updated on regularly basis and will bring all information regarding project activities, as well as reports on implemented activities. This web page will be advertised in publications and there will be no charge for accessing this it or any content on it. All publications produced by the project will be in accordance with an open access approach. Upon publication we will provide links to the papers on our webpage. A dynamic website full of interesting content will has a goal to increase the visibility of the CrEAMA Initiative and create opportunities for additional partnerships and collaborations.

Archiving and preservation (including storage and backup)

We will archive data and other project products and preserve of access to them. The long-term strategy for maintaining, curating and archiving the data is via regular backup of website. We will FTP our web page to local computer systems with passwords, firewall system in place, power surge protection, virus/malicious intruder protection. Diary entries and reminders will be set in order to never skip the backup task. A logical folder structure with the date as the directory name will be backed up to multiple hard drives, for maximum protection. In following an open access (OA) policy for publication and data, project members will be able to use the respective digital repositories of the Universities of Cambridge and Pisa, as well as Zagreb whose security policy has been written according to best practices.

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