Report of the second JC of 21/11/2024, the PhenoGeno project
The second meeting of the Journal Club as part of the PhenoGeno project was held on Thursday, November 21, 2024, and the topic of the meeting was the scientific paper entitled "Quantifying the Effects of the Mitochondrial Genome on Milk Production Traits in Dairy Cows: Empirical Results and Modeling Challenges " (Brajković et al., 2024), whose link is available here. The meeting proved to be extremely productive and was closely related to the goals and activities of the PhenoGeno project. The discussion stimulated a number of important topics and ideas that could improve the further course of research, including increasing the number of sampled individuals in order to achieve greater statistical power of the analysis, collecting additional variables for a more comprehensive model, and considering the number of copies of mitochondrial DNA as a potential indicator of stress in cows. This meeting represented a significant step forward in the development of the project and opened new directions for future research and application in practice.