Integration of Archaeobotany with other Sciences of the Past
Integration of Archaeobotany with other Sciences of the Past – All inclusive
This workshop will present different Sciences of the Past and their contribution to creating a wider picture about the life of our ancestors and providing better understanding of more recent times. It is recommended for the MendTheGap project members, students of the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, as well as for the wider audience interested in the Sciences of the Past. Different experts will present their scientific field, methodology, application possibilities and some of the recent investigations. All participants and speakers are invited to take part in a round table discussion at the end of the programme and exchange their impressions, ideas and plans for future interdisciplinary research and projects.
Workshop date: 19.-20.06.2018.
Venue: Division of Botany, Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Marulićev trg 20 (second floor), Lecture hall BO6.
Language: Croatian.
Registration is open until 15.06.2018:
The workshop is free of charge for all participants. It is financially supported by MendTheGap project (
Tuesday, 19.06.2018
09:00 Formation, evolution, and characteristics of eastern Adriatic karstic estuaries, Mladen Juračić, Faculty of Science, Zagreb
10:00 A Brief Overview of Adriatic Prehistory, Stašo Forenbaher; Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb
11:00 Subsistence strategies and adaptation to environmental changes: archaeozoology of the eastern Adriatic, Siniša Radović; Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb
12:00-13:00: snack and coffee break
13:00 Quaternary fauna of Croatia: large and small mammals, Jadranka Mauch Lenardić, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb
14:00 Stories from the past written in (archaeo)plant remains, Sara Essert, Faculty of Science, Zagreb
Wednesday, 20.06.2018
09:00 The origin and domestication of the olive: genetic evidence, Zlatko Liber, Faculty of Science, Zagreb
10:00 From archaeogenetics to archaeogenomics: new challenges and opportunities, Ino Čurik, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb
11:00 Archeomicrobiology or: “Where are the microbes in this package deal?“, Dijana Škorić, Faculty of Science, Zagreb
12:00-13:00: snack and coffee break
13:00 Phytoiconography. Some examples from ancient Roman history, Alma Kumbarić Valenti, Roma Tre University, Rome
14:00-15:00 Round table – Integration of Archaeobotany with other Sciences of the Past
Integracija arheobotanike s ostalim znanostima o prošlosti – All inclusive
Ideja radionice je predstaviti različite znanosti koje istražuju prošlost i doprinose stvaranju šire slike o životu naših predaka te boljem razumijevanju sadašnjosti. Namijenjena je članovima projekta, studentima PMF-a, FAZ-a i FF-a u Zagrebu, te široj publici različitih profila, koja se na bilo koji način bavi prošlošću i njenim odrazom na današnji svijet. Stoga će različiti eksperti predstaviti svoje područje istraživanja, metodologiju i primjenu, te prezentirati dio dosadašnjih rezultata. Okrugli stol na kraju programa namijenjen je svim sudionicima kako bi mogli razmijeniti mišljenja, dojmove, ideje i planove za potencijala buduća interdisciplinarna istraživanja i projekte.
Vrijeme održavanja: 19.-20.06.2018.
Mjesto održavanja: Botanički zavod, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, Marulićev trg 20, 2. kat, predavaonica BO6.
Službeni jezik: hrvatski.
Prijave: do 15.06.2018.,
Radionica je besplatna za sve sudionike. Financirana je sredstvima MendTheGap projekta (
Utorak, 19.06.2018.
09:00 Nastanak, razvoj i osobine istočnojadranskih krških ušća, Mladen Juračić, PMF, Zagreb
10:00 Kratak pregled prapovijesti Jadrana, Stašo Forenbaher; Institut za antropologiju, Zagreb
11:00 Strategije opstanka kao prilagodba na promjene u okolišu: arheozoologija istočnog Jadrana, Siniša Radović; HAZU, Zagreb
12:00-13:00: pauza
13:00 Kvartarna fauna Hrvatske: veliki i mali sisavci, Jadranka Mauch Lenardić, HAZU, Zagreb
14:00 Priče iz davnine zapisane u (arheo)biljnim ostacima, Sara Essert, PMF, Zagreb
Srijeda, 20.06.2018.
09:00 Podrijetlo i udomaćenje masline: genetički dokazi, Zlatko Liber, PMF, Zagreb
10:00 Od arheogenetike do arheogenomike: novi izazovi i mogućnosti, Ino Čurik, FAZ, Zagreb
11:00 Arheomikrobiologija ili: „A gdje su tu mikrobi?“, Dijana Škorić, PMF, Zagreb
12:00-13:00: pauza
13:00 Fitoikonografija. Izabrani primjeri iz antičke rimske povijesti, Alma Kumbarić Valenti, Sveučilište Roma Tre, Rim
14:00-15:00 Okrugli stol – Integracija arheobotanike s ostalim znanostima o prošlosti