Znanstveni radovi u časopisima:
Shaw, R.E., Farquharson, K.A., Bruford, M.W., Coates, D.J., Elliott, C.P., Mergeay, J., Ottewell, K.M., Segelbacher, G., Hoban, S., Hvilsom, C., Pérez-Espona, S., Ruņģis, D., Aravanopoulos, F., Bertola, L.D., Cotrim, H., Cox, K., Cubric-Curik, V., Ekblom, R., Godoy, J.A., Konopiński, M.K., Laikre, L., Russo, I.-R.M., Veličković, N., Vergeer, P., Vilà, C., Brajkovic, V., Field, D.L., Goodall-Copestake, W.P., Hailer, F., Hopley, T., Zachos, F.E., Alves, P.C., Biedrzycka, A., Binks, R.M., Buiteveld, J., Buzan, E., Byrne, M., Huntley, B., Iacolina, L., Keehnen, N.L.P., Klinga, P., Kopatz, A., Kurland, S., Leonard, J.A., Manfrin, C., Marchesini, A., Millar, M.A., Orozco-terWengel, P., Ottenburghs, J., Posledovich, D., Spencer, P.B., Tourvas, N., Unuk Nahberger, T., van Hooft, P., Verbylaite, R., Vernesi, C. & Grueber, C.E. (2025). Global meta-analysis shows action is needed to halt genetic diversity loss. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-08458-x
Nagy, I., Curik, I., Nguyen, A. T., Farkas, J., Kövér, G. (2024). Short communication: The Importance of Random Effects in Detecting Purging of Inbreeding Depression: A Model Comparison in Pannon White Rabbits. Animal, 101412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2024.101412
Fedorca, A., Mergeay, J., Akinyele, A.O., Albayrak, T., Biebach, I., Brambilla, A., Burger, P.A., Buzan, E., Curik, I., Gargiulo, R., Godoy, J.A., González-Martínez, S.C., Grossen, C., Heuertz, M., Hoban, S., Howard-McCombe, J., Kachamakova, M., Klinga, P., Köppä, V., Neugebauer, E., Paz-Vinas, I., Pearman, P.B., Pérez-Sorribes, L., Rinkevich, B., Russo, I.-R.M., Theraroz, A., Thomas, N.E., Westergren, M., Winter, S., Laikre, L., Kopatz, A. (2024). Dealing With the Complexity of Effective Population Size in Conservation Practice. Evol Appl, 17: e70031. https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.70031
Brajkovic, V., Pocrnic, I., Kaps, M., Špehar, M., Cubric-Curik, V., Ristov, S., Novosel, D., Gorjanc, G., Curik, I. (2024). Quantifying the effects of the mitochondrial genome on milk production traits in dairy cows: empirical results and modelling challenges. Journal of Dairy Science 108: 664-678. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2024-25203
Xu, S., Akhatayeva, Z., Liu, J., Feng, X., Yu, Y., Badaoui, B., Esmailizadeh, A., Kantanen, J., Amills, M., Lenstra, J. A., Johansson, A. M., Coltman, D. W., Liu, G. E., Curik, I., Orozco-terWengel, P., Paiva, S. R., Zinovieva, N. A., Zhang, L., Yang, J., Liu, Z., Wang, Y., Yu, Y., Li, M. (2024). Genetic advancements and future directions in ruminant livestock breeding: From reference genomes to multiomics innovations. Science China Life Sciences 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-024-2744-4
Lukic, B., Raguz, N., Kovačić, M., Curik, I., Obšteter, J., Prešern, J., Bubnič, J., Lužaić, R., Pihler, I., Mirjanić, G., Pietropaoli, M., Puškadija, Z. (2024). Genomic diversity and population structure of Carniolan honey bee in its native habitat. BMC genomics 25: 849. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-024-10750-z
Vostry, L., Vostra-Vydrova, H., Moravcikova, N., Kasarda, R., Margetin, M., Rychtarova, J., Drzaic, I., Shihabi, M., Cubric-Curik, V., Sölkner, J., Curik, I. (2024). Genomic analysis of conservation status, population structure and admixture in local Czech and Slovak dairy goat breeds. Journal of Dairy Science 107: 8205-8222. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2023-24607
Nguyen, A. T., Kövér, G., Tóth, P., Curik, I., Bokor, Á., Nagy, I. (2024). Population Subdivision and Migration Assessment of Mangalica Pig Breeds Based on Pedigree Analysis. Animals 14: 653. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14040653
Peter B. Pearman, Olivier Broennimann, Tsipe Aavik, Tamer Albayrak, Paulo C. Alves, F. A. Aravanopoulos, Laura D. Bertola, Aleksandra Biedrzycka, Elena Buzan, Vlatka Cubric-Curik, Mihajla Djan, Ancuta Fedorca, Angela P. Fuentes-Pardo, Barbara Fussi, José A. Godoy, Felix Gugerli, Sean Hoban, Rolf Holderegger, Christina Hvilsom, Laura Iacolina, Belma Kalamujic Stroil, Peter Klinga, Maciej K. Konopiński, Alexander Kopatz, Linda Laikre, Margarida Lopes-Fernandes, Barry John McMahon, Joachim Mergeay, Charalambos Neophytou, Snæbjörn Pálsson, Ivan Paz-Vinas, Diana Posledovich, Craig R. Primmer, Joost A. M. Raeymaekers, Baruch Rinkevich, Barbora Rolečková, Dainis Ruņģis, Laura Schuerz, Gernot Segelbacher, Katja Kavčič Sonnenschein, Milomir Stefanovic, Henrik Thurfjell, Sabrina Träger, Ivaylo N. Tsvetkov, Nevena Velickovic, Philippine Vergeer, Cristiano Vernesi, Carles Vilà, Marjana Westergren, Frank E. Zachos, Antoine Guisan & Michael Bruford (2024). Monitoring of species’ genetic diversity in Europe varies greatly and overlooks potential climate change impacts. Nature Ecology & Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02260-0
Drzaic, I., Orehovački, V., Moravčikova, N., Shihabi, M., Curik, I., Vostry, L., Kasarda, R., Soelkner, J., Cubric-Curik, V. (2023). Genomic characterization and diversity of indigenous goat breeds from Croatia. Livestock Science 105388. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2023.105388
Lukic, B., Curik, I., Drzaic, I., Galić, V., Shihabi, M., Vostry, L., Cubric-Curik, V. (2023). Genomic signatures of selection, local adaptation and production type characterisation of East Adriatic sheep breeds. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 14, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40104-023-00936-y
Raguz, N., Korabi, N., Lukic, B., Drzaic, I., Vostry, L., Moravcikova, N., Curik, I., Kasarda, R., Cubric-Curik, V. (2023). Genomic characterization and population structure of Croatian Arabian horse. Livestock Science 277, 105343. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2023.105343
Brajkovic, V., Hršak, D., Bradić, L., Turkalj, K., Novosel, D., Ristov, S., Ajmone-Marsan, P., Colli, L., Cubric-Curik, V., Sölkner, J., Curik, I. (2023). Mitogenome information in cattle breeding and conservation genetics: Developments and possibilities of the SNP chip. Livestock Science 275, 105299. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2023.105299
Vostry L., Vostra-Vydrova H., Moravcikova N., Kasarda R., Cubric-Curik V., Brzakova M., Solkner J., Shihabi M., Moreno J. A. H., Spehar M., Curik I. (2023). Genomic diversity and population structure of the Czech Holstein cattle. Livestock Science 273, 105261. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2023.105261
Oštarić, F., Kalit, S., Curik, I., Mikulec, N. (2023). Influence of Sodium and Potassium Chloride on Rennet Coagulation and Curd Firmness in Bovine Milk. Foods, 12, 2293. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12122293
Djokic M., Drzaic I., Shihabi M., Markovic B., Cubric-Curik V. (2023) Genomic Diversity Analyses of Some Indigenous Montenegrin Sheep Populations. Diversity 15, 640. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15050640
Kövér G., Curik I., Vostry L., Farkas J., Mezőszentgyörgyi D., Nagy I. (2023). Analysis of Inbreeding Effects on Survival at Birth of Pannon White Rabbits Using the Inbreeding-Purging Model. Diversity 15, 71. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15010071
Drzaic I., Curik I., Lukic B., Shihabi M., Li M. H., Kantanen J., Mastrangelo S., Ciani E., Lenstra J. A., Cubric-Curik V. (2022) High-Density Genomic Characterization of Native Croatian Sheep Breeds. Frontiers in Genetics 13, 940736. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2022.940736
Consortium, V. G., Nijman, I. J., Rosen, B. D., Bardou, P., Faraut, T., Cumer, T., Daly, K. G., Zheng, Z., Cai, Y., Asadollahpour, H., Kul, B. C., Zhang, W. Y., Guangxin, E., Ayin, A., Baird, H., Bakhtin, M., Bâlteanu, V. A., Barfield, D., Berger, B., Blichfeldt, T., Boink, G., Bugiwati, S. R. A., Cai, Z., Carolan, S., Clark, E., Cubric-Curik, V., Dagong, M. I. A., Dorji, T., Drew, L., Guo, J., Halsson, J., Horvat, S., Kantanen, J., Kawaguchi, F., Kazymbet, P., Khayatzadeh N. Kim, N., Shah, M. K., Liao, Y., Martínez, A., Masangkey, J. S., Masaoka, M., Mazza, R., McEwan, J., Milanesi, M., Omar, F. M., Nomura, Y., Ouchene Khelifi, N. A., Pereira, F., Sahana, G., Salavati, M., Sasazaki, S., Da Silva, A., Simčič, M., Sölkner, J., Sutherland, A., Tigchelaar, J., Zhang, H., Consortium, E., Ajmone Marsan, P., Bradley, D. G., Colli, L., Drögemüller, C., Jiang, Y., Lei, C., Mannen, H., Pompanon, F., Tosser Klopp G., Lenstra, J. A. (2022) Geographical contrasts of Y‐chromosomal haplogroups from wild and domestic goats reveal ancient migrations and recent introgressions. Molecular Ecology 00, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16579
Novosel, D., Brajković, V., Simčič, M., Zorc, M., Svara, T., Branovic Cakanic, K., Jungić, A., Logar, B., Cubric-Curik, V., Dovc, P., Curik, I. (2022) The Consequences of Mitochondrial T10432C Mutation in Cika Cattle: A “Potential” Model for Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, 6335. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23116335
Shihabi, M., Lukic, B., Cubric-Curik, V., Brajkovic, V., Oršanić, M., Ugarković, D., Vostry, L., Curik, I. (2022) Identification of Selection Signals on the X-Chromosome in East Adriatic Sheep: A New Complementary Approach. Frontiers in Genetics 13, 887582. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2022.887582
Oštarić, F., Antunac, N., Cubric-Curik, V., Curik, I., Jurić, S., Kazazić, S., Kiš, M., Vinceković, M., Zdolec, N., Špoljarić, J., Mikulec, N. (2022) Challenging Sustainable and Innovative Technologies in Cheese Production: A Review. Processes 10, 529. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10030529
Jensen, E. L., Díez-del-Molino, D., Thomas, M., Gilbert, P., Bertola, L. D., Borges, F., Cubric-Curik, V., de Navascués, M., Frandsen, P., Heuertz, M., Hvilsom, C., Jiménez-Mena, B., Miettinen, A., Moest, M., Pečnerová, P., Barnes, I., Vernesi, C. (2022) Ancient and historical DNA in conservation policy. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2021.12.010
Cubric‐Curik, V., Novosel, D., Brajkovic, V., Rota Stabelli, O., Krebs, S., Sölkner, J., Šalamon, D., Ristov, S., Berger, B., Trivizaki, S., Bizelis, I., Ferenčaković M., Rothammer, S., Kunz, E., Simčič, M., Dovč, P., Bunevski, F., Bytyqi, H., Marković, B., Brka, M., Kume, K., Stojanović, S., Nikolov, V., Zinovieva, N., Schönherz, A. A., Guldbrandtsen, B., Čačić, M., Radović, S., Miracle, P., Vernesi, C., Curik, I., Medugorac, I. (2022) Large scale mitogenome sequencing reveals consecutive expansions of domestic taurine cattle and supports sporadic aurochs introgression. Evolutionary Applications. https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.13315
Lv, F. H., Cao, Y. H., Liu, G. J., Luo, L. Y., Lu, R., Liu, M. J., Liu, Li, W. R., Zhou, P., Wang, X. H., Shen, M., Gao, L., Yang, J. Q., Yang, H., Yang, Y. L., Liu, C. B., Wan, P. C., Zhang, Y. S., Pi, W. H., Ren, Y. L., Shen, Z. Q., Wang, F., Wang, Y. T., Li, J. Q., Salehian-Dehkordi, H., Hehua, E., Liu, Y. G., Chen, J. F., Wang, J. K., Deng, X. M., Esmailizadeh, A., Dehghani-Qanatqestani, M., Charati, H., Nosrati, M., Štěpánek, O., Rushdi, H. E., Olsaker, I., Curik, I., Gorkhali, N. A., Paiva, S. R., Caetano, A. R., Ciani, E., Amills, M., Weimann, C., Erhardt, G., Amane, A., Mwacharo, J. M., Han, J. L., Hanotte, O., Periasamy, K., Johansson, A. M., Hallsson, J. H., Kantanen, J., Coltman, D. W., Bruford, M. W., Lenstra, J. A., Li, M. H. (2021) Whole-genome resequencing of worldwide wild and domestic sheep elucidates genetic diversity, introgression and agronomically important loci. Molecular biology and evolution 39(2), msab353. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msab353
Vostry L., Vostra-Vydrova H., Citek J., Gorjanc G. & Curik I. (2021) Association of inbreeding and regional equine leucocyte antigen homozygosity with the prevalence of insect bite hypersensitivity in Old Kladruber horse. Animal genetics 52(4), 422-430. https://doi.org/10.1111/age.13075
Janes M., Zorc M., Ferencakovic M., Curik I., Dovc P. & Cubric-Curik V. (2021) Genomic Characterization of the Three Balkan Livestock Guardian Dogs. Sustainability 13. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13042289
Selle M.L., Steinsland I., Lindgren F., Brajkovic V., Cubric-Curik V. & Gorjanc G. (2021) Hierarchical Modelling of Haplotype Effects on a Phylogeny. Frontiers in Genetics 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2020.531218
Bumber B., Potrosko V., Vugrinec O., Ferencakovic M. & Grsic K. (2020) Hypocalcemia after completion thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinma. Acta Clinica Croatica 59, 136-45. https://doi.org/10.20471/acc.2020.59.s1.18
Ciani E., Mastrangelo S., Da Silva A., Marroni F., Ferencakovic M., Ajmone-Marsan P., Baird H., Barbato M., Colli L., Delvento C., Dovenski T., Gorjanc G., Hall S.J.G., Hoda A., Li M.-H., Markovic B., McEwan J., Moradi M.H., Ruiz-Larranaga O., Ruzic-Muslic D., Salamon D., Simcic M., Stepanek O., Curik I., Cubric-Curik V., Lenstra J.A., Econogene C. & Sheephapmap C. (2020) On the origin of European sheep as revealed by the diversity of the Balkan breeds and by optimizing population-genetic analysis tools. Genetics Selection Evolution 52. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12711-020-00545-7
Curik I., Kover G., Farkas J., Szendro Z., Romvari R., Soelkner J. & Nagy I. (2020) Inbreeding depression for kit survival at birth in a rabbit population under long-term selection. Genetics Selection Evolution 52. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12711-020-00557-3
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Doekes H.P., Curik I., Nagy I., Farkas J., Kover G. & Windig J.J. (2020) Revised Calculation of Kalinowski's Ancestral and New Inbreeding Coefficients. Diversity-Basel 12. https://doi.org/10.3390/d12040155
Lukic B., Ferencakovic M., Salamon D., Cacic M., Orehovacki V., Iacolina L., Curik I. & Cubric-Curik V. (2020) Conservation Genomic Analysis of the Croatian Indigenous Black Slavonian and Turopolje Pig Breeds. Frontiers in Genetics 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2020.00261
Martinovic M., Valjak N., Segota V., Bartolic P., Jakovac E., Stic P. & Malovec K.H. (2020) Vascular flora of the educational trail "Okicnica" in the Zumberak-Samoborsko Gorje Nature Park (NW Croatia). Natura Croatica 29, 109-21. https://doi.org/10.20302/NC.2020.29.10
Drzaic I., Curik I., Novosel D. & Cubric-Curik V. (2019) Maternal variability of Croatian Spotted goat (Capra hircus). Czech Journal of Animal Science 64, 248-54. https://doi.org/10.17221/240/2018-CJAS
Iacolina L., Pertoldi C., Amills M., Kusza S., Megens H.-J., Balteanu V.A., Bakan J., Cubric-Curik V., Oja R., Saarma U., Scandura M., Sprem N. & Stronen A.V. (2019) Hotspots of recent hybridization between pigs and wild boars in Europe (vol 8, 17372, 2018). Scientific Reports 9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-35865-8
Janes M., Brajkovic V., Drzaic I., Zorc M., Dovc P. & Cubric-Curik V. (2019a) Mitochondrial variability of Small Medimurje dog. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 84, 203-9. https://hrcak.srce.hr/221765
Janes M., Zorc M., Cubric-Curik V., Curik I. & Dovc P. (2019b) Population structure and genetic history of Tibetan Terriers. Genetics Selection Evolution 51. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12711-019-0520-4
Khayatzadeh N., Meszaros G., Utsunomiya Y.T., Schmitz-Hsu F., Seefried F., Schnyder U., Ferencakovic M., Garcia J.F., Curik I. & Soelkner J. (2019) Genome-wide mapping of the dominance effects based on breed ancestry for semen traits in admixed Swiss Fleckvieh bulls. Journal of Dairy Science 102, 11217-24. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-16899
Nagy I., Kover G., Farkas J., Szendro Z. & Curik I. (2019) Estimation of dominance effects for reproductive, growth and carcass traits of Pannon White rabbits. Journal of Central European Agriculture 20, 581-4. https://doi.org/10.5513/JCEA01/20.2.2553
Nandolo W., Meszaros G., Banda L.J., Gondwe T.N., Lamuno D., Mulindwa H.A., Nakimbugwe H.N., Wurzinger M., Utsunomiya Y.T., Woodward-Greene M.J., Liu M., Liu G., Van Tassell C.P., Curik I., Rosen B.D. & Soelkner J. (2019) Timing and Extent of Inbreeding in African Goats. Frontiers in Genetics 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2019.00537
Novosel D., Cubric-Curik V., Simcic M., Dovc P. & Curik I. (2019) Two detrimental mutations in cattle mitogenome indicate the presence of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. Journal of Central European Agriculture 20, 19-24. https://doi.org/10.5513/JCEA01/20.1.2413
Waldmann P., Ferencakovic M., Meszaros G., Khayatzadeh N., Curik I. & Soelkner J. (2019) AUTALASSO: an automatic adaptive LASSO for genome-wide prediction. Bmc Bioinformatics 20. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-019-2743-3
Brajkovic V., Duvnjak I., Ferencakovic M., Spehar M., Raguz N., Lukic B., Curik I. & Cubric-Curik V. (2018) The effect of DNA quality on the sequencing success of cattle. Journal of Central European Agriculture 19, 804-9. https://doi.org/10.5513/JCEA01/19.4.2340
Čačić M., Orehovački V., Ećimović M., Jankovich Besan E., Moler L., Drzaic I., Cubric-Curik V., Curik I. (2018) Finding „the long-lost“ Croatian Lipizzan mare families. Acta fytotechn zootechn 21, 169-172. https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.169-172
Iacolina L., Pertoldi C., Amills M., Kusza S., Megens H.-J., Balteanu V.A., Bakan J., Cubric-Curic V., Oja R., Saarma U., Scandura M., Sprem N. & Stronen A.V. (2018) Hotspots of recent hybridization between pigs and wild boars in Europe. Scientific Reports 8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-35865-8
Khayatzadeh N., Meszaros G., Utsunomiya Y.T., Schmitz-Hsu F., Seefried F., Schnyder U., Ferencakovic M., Garcia J.F., Curik I. & Soelkner J. (2018) Effects of breed proportion and components of heterosis for semen traits in a composite cattle breed. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 135, 45-53. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbg.12304
Kukuckova V., Moravcikova N., Curik I., Simcic M., Meszaros G. & Kasarda R. (2018) Genetic diversity of local cattle. Acta Biochimica Polonica 65, 421-4. https://doi.org/10.18388/abp.2017_2347
Nandolo W., Utsunomiya Y.T., Meszaros G., Wurzinger M., Khayadzadeh N., Torrecilha R.B.P., Mulindwa H.A., Gondwe T.N., Waldmann P., Ferencakovic M., Garcia J.F., Rosen B.D., Bickhart D., van Tassell C.P., Curik I. & Soelkner J. (2018) Misidentification of runs of homozygosity islands in cattle caused by interference with copy number variation or large intermarker distances. Genetics Selection Evolution 50. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12711-018-0414-x
Nguyen N.T., Brajkovic V., Cubric-Curik V., Ristov S., Veir Z., Szendro Z., Nagy I. & Curik I. (2018) Analysis of the impact of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial inheritance on litter size and carcass in rabbits. World Rabbit Science 26, 287-98. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2018.7644
Brajkovic V., Beljan S., Kastelanac I., Orsanic M., Ugarkovic D., Curik I., Veir Z. & Cubric-Curik V. (2017) DNA Sequence Variation in the Mitochondrial Control Region of Oryctolagus cuniculus from Croatia. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 82, 117-21. https://hrcak.srce.hr/191805
Curik I., Ferencakovic M. & Soelkner J. (2017) Genomic dissection of inbreeding depression: a gate to new opportunities. Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia-Brazilian Journal of Animal Science 46, 773-82. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1806-92902017000900010
Ferencakovic M., Solkner J., Kaps M. & Curik I. (2017a) Genome-wide mapping and estimation of inbreeding depression of semen quality traits in a cattle population. Journal of Dairy Science 100, 4721-30. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2016-12164
Ferencakovic M., Spehar M., Brajkovic V., Cubric-Curik V., Soelkner J. & Curik I. (2017b) The Impact of Cytoplasmic Inheritance on Sperm Quality in Fleckvieh Bulls. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 82, 89-92. https://hrcak.srce.hr/191787
Khayatzadeh N., Meszaros G., Utsunomiya Y.T., Schmitz-Hsu F., Gredler B., Schnyder U., Ferencakovic M., Curik I. & Soelkner J. (2017) Estimation of Breed Composition, Breed Heterosis and Epistatic Loss for Percent of Live Spermatozoa in Admixed Swiss Fleckvieh Bulls. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 82, 75-8. https://hrcak.srce.hr/191778
Kukuckova V., Moravcikova N., Ferencakovic M., Simcic M., Meszaros G., Soelkner J., Trakovicka A., Kadlecik O., Curik I. & Kasarda R. (2017) Genomic characterization of Pinzgau cattle: genetic conservation and breeding perspectives. Conservation Genetics 18, 893-910. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10592-017-0935-9
Spehar M., Ferencakovic M., Brajkovic V. & Curik I. (2017) Variance Estimation of Maternal Lineage Effect on Milk Traits in Croatian Holstein Cattle. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 82, 263-6. https://hrcak.srce.hr/191838
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